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Created in France in XNUMX, Mecacyl is the world specialist in hyper-lubricants. This unique and revolutionary technology allows a significant reduction in fuel consumption but also in pollution and meets all lubrication constraints, including in extreme conditions. Mecacyl manufactures and offers a principle of lubrication which allows, in any metal-to-metal friction system, to pass from a so-called "crystalline" surface to a "lamellar" surface and therefore from friction to an almost perfect glide.
Mecacyl is the holder of a technology that is unique in the world, making it possible to respond chemically, physically and mechanically to all lubrication constraints in the mechanical, automotive and automotive sectors. ™industry. Choose additives Mecacyl , it’s also an action that contributes to reducing fuel consumption, pollution par vehicles, optimization of engine performance. A real potion of youth in mechanics!
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