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General information > Tips and Guides > Tutorials > XNUMX with box > Workshop equipment > Paint its fairings

  Tutorial: Universal or removable paint application


Ce tutorial aims at you help paint the fairings from your XNUMX to box thanks to pics and explanations associated. The way of doing things is the same for universal painting that for one removable paint . Do not hesitate to use a pistol grip , to make it easier.


Difficulty :


Temp s necessary:

Variable depending on fairing



step XNUMX tutorial painting cleaning

1) Dismantle the fairings and degrease them.

Step XNUMX tuto sanding painting

2) Sand lightly so that the paint sticks and then clean to remove dirt. Be careful if you sand your fairing too hard or with too coarse grain you will need to apply several coats of paint to no longer see the scratches.

step XNUMX tutorial painting

3) Open the spray can and shake it well.

stage XNUMX paint spray gun

4) Connect the spray can to the spray gun .

step XNUMX tutorial painting first layer

5) Spray on your fairings. Tip: to avoid drips and the `` orange peel '' effect, do not get too close, pull the paint well by spraying it and do not put too much in the same place.

step XNUMX tutorial painting

6) To draw the paint well, make large gestures from right to left or from top to bottom.

step XNUMX tutorial painting

7) Wait XNUMX minutes between each coat of paint.

step XNUMX tutorial painting

8) The number of layers depends on the state of your fairings.

step XNUMX tutorial matte black paint

9) Here is the result of the fairings after XNUMX layers of paint.

step XNUMX tutorial paint chrome

11) For a result and a perfect hold you can varnish over it.

step XNUMX tutorial removable paint

11) To put the removable paint you just need to degrease your surface to be painted. Do not sand it!

step XNUMX tutorial removable paint

11) Mix the spray well before application. Spend minimum XNUMX coats so that the paint can be removed more easily. Wait XNUMX minutes between each coat. For a perfect result on dark rims or fairings, it is best to apply a coat of white.

step XNUMX tutorial removable paint

11) To remove the paint just scratch in a corner with a blade.

step XNUMX tutorial removable paint

11) Gently pull it out.

step XNUMX tutorial removable paint

11) With multiple layers, the painting will come in one piece, otherwise you will need more time.

We advise you to apply several coats of paint on your fairings in order to obtain an optimal result. Take the time to apply your paint. Find out at XNUMXfactory .com the universal painting removable paint brake caliper paint or the touch-up pens . Many colors are available.


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