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To hitch a trailer, flatbed or caravan, you need to add a hitch to your car. After fitting the towing ball, it is a matter of electrically connecting the trailer to the vehicle.
Connecting the trailer lights is therefore an essential step for your safety and that of other road users.
Here is step par step how to successfully hook up a hitch harness.
There are two types of sockets for trailers.
La prize XNUMX brooches (or French plug): It is used for trailers or bike racks. This type of wiring makes it possible to turn on the position lights, the brake lights, the direction indicators and the rear fog light on the trailer.
La prize XNUMX brooches (or European plug): This take is more complete than the previous one. It is essential if you need a continuous power supply, such as for the refrigerator of a caravan.
Depending on the age of your car, connecting the hitch harness is done in two different ways.
For older cars, the current is directly repi que on the rear lights.
For more recent cars, the connection is made at the place recommended par the constructor.
Good to know: today's power supply cables are multiplexed, ie they carry not only power but also information. Cutting them could disturb the on-board computer and prevent the proper functioning of the various electrical components.
The connection of a trailer socket and a trailer hitch uses standard colors for the various lights. This color code is used to connect the trailer to the trailer hitch:
XNUMX-Pin/XNUMX-Volt Trailer Socket
Code | Correspondence | Wire color |
XNUMX / L | Turn signal on the left | Yellow |
XNUMX / XNUMXG | Anti-fog | Blue |
XNUMX / XNUMX | Mass | White |
XNUMX / R | Right Turn Signal | Green |
XNUMX / XNUMXR | Feu de posición droit | Brown Brown) |
XNUMX / XNUMX | Brake lights (left and right) | Red |
XNUMX / XNUMXL | Left position light | Black |
The letter L means left ("left" in English), the letter R means right ("right" in English).
This is the electrical connection in XNUMX pins and XNUMX Volts according to the ISO XNUMX standard.
Observe the symmetry of the terminals on the trailer and on the trailer hitch. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to take into account the numbers engraved on the connector of the trailer.
Light bulbs are often the cause of a non-working light. Before changing the plug, check your light bulbs !
Remember to pass the cable carefully wiring harness the back plug as well as the insulating rubber before connecting your wires to the new socket.
Test your lights after changing the socket to check that the various socket wires have been correctly connected.
If you're switching between a trailer with a XNUMX-pin plug and a larger trailer with a XNUMX-pin plug or if you've changed from one type of trailer to another, you don't have to © to dedicate a file for each trailer.
Un adapter converting XNUMX-pin to XNUMX and XNUMX-pin to XNUMX sockets may be a more attractive solution if you have to tow different trailers.
Remember to remove the adapter after each use, car water can seep into it and pass to the socket.
Temp s necessary:
XNUMX to XNUMX hours
Necessary material:
Step XNUMX : Make sure the hitch harness and plug you are using are compatible. Also check that the hitch harness is clean and dry. Make sure the vehicle has the ignition off before starting.
Observe the symmetry of the terminals on the trailer and on the trailer hitch. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to take into account the numbers engraved on the connector of the trailer.
Step XNUMX : Locate the wires on the hitch harness and those on the socket. The wires must be codedar color for easy identification.
Step XNUMX : Take the hitch harness wire and plug wire that match in color. Twist them together to form a solid connection.
To assemble the wires, some end caps use screw cages (or dominoes), other end caps use lugs (the wires must therefore be equipped with suitable lugs).
You can use quick connectors for more security. Repeat this for each wire until all wires are connected.
Step XNUMX : Switch on your vehicle and check that the signal lights, brake lights and position lights are working correctly. If one of the lights does not work, check the connections and make sure the wires are securely connected.
XNUMX% of products shown as in stock actually are!