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XNUMX with box
> Change your oil tank
Ce tutorial
aims at you
help change the oil tank
from your XNUMX to box thanks to
associated. In this example we used a motor Derbi Euro XNUMX but the procedure remains the same for other XNUMXcc boxed engines.
Difficulty :
Temp s necessary:
XNUMX minutes
Necessary material:
1) Open the fuel door. Remove the saddle.
2) Disconnect the probe from the oil tank.
3) Remove the oil tank.
4) Disconnect the oil hose using the screwdriver (hose under the oil tank).
5) Install the new oil tank.
6) Reconnect the oil probe.
7) Replace the oil hose using the
needle-nose plier
. Fill up with engine oil.
8) Replace the saddle.
You can very easily change your oil tank. Our parts are suitable for your boxed XNUMXcc or your scooter or maxi scooter. You will find at XNUMXfactory .com many
oil tanks
new or used for all brands of two wheels.
XNUMX% of products shown as in stock actually are!