Edit page title Kick-start Yamaha YZ XNUMX (since XNUMX) Motorcyclecross Marketing gray - motorcycle part
Edit meta description Motorcycle Kickcross Marketing compatible with motorcycle models cross XNUMXcc Yamaha YZ from XNUMX.
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Kick-start Yamaha YZ XNUMX (since XNUMX) Motorcyclecross Marketing gray



Availability Info

Out of stock

Get XNUMX Points fidelity XNUMX €

Motocross Marketing

We also recommend


Motorcycle Kickstartercross Marketing gray Yamaha YZ XNUMX

New foot motor starter pedal adaptable for motorcycles cross XNUMXcc Yamaha YZ from XNUMX.

Technical characteristics and dimensions of the starter lever

  • Brand: Motocross Marketing
  • Materials: aluminum and steel
  • Colour: grey
  • Overall length: XNUMX mm
  • Outer Diameter Splines (Axle Diameter): XNUMXmm


Compatibility models for guidance, it is advisable to disassemble the part to be replaced beforehand and check the correspondence with pictures and dimensions indicated on the site.

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