Edit page title Rim strapping XNUMX/XNUMXxXNUMX inch XNUMX holes FSXNUMX Solex XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX...
Edit meta description XNUMX/XNUMXxXNUMX inch XNUMX hole FSXNUMX Italcerchio rim strapping compatible with Solex XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX and XNUMX cyclo models.
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Rim strapping XNUMX/XNUMXxXNUMX inches XNUMX holes FSXNUMX Solex XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX, XNUMX Italcerchio






Delivery possible on Tuesday XNUMX January

Get XNUMX Points fidelity XNUMX €


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Technical data and dimensions of the XNUMX inch XNUMXB rim circle

  • Brand: Italcerchio (Rigida)
  • Model: FSXNUMX
  • Material: steel
  • Colour: grey
  • Dimensions: XNUMX/XNUMXxXNUMXinches
  • Number of holes: XNUMX
  • Inner diameter of the holes: XNUMX mm
  • Outer diameter of the strapping: XNUMX mm
  • Total width of the strapping: XNUMX mm


Compatibility models for guidance, it is advisable to disassemble the part to be replaced beforehand and check the correspondence with pictures and dimensions indicated on the site.

  • Solex XNUMX
  • Solex XNUMX
  • Solex XNUMX
  • Solex XNUMX

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