Edit page title Universal serrated brush cutter blade ØXNUMX mm Ribimex - Parts
Edit meta description Universal serrated brush cutter blade ØXNUMX mm Ribimex compatible with any type of brush cutter depending on the dimensions
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Universal serrated brush cutter blade ØXNUMX mm Ribimex




Delivery possible on Tuesday XNUMX January

Get XNUMX Point fidelity XNUMX €


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Ribimex brush cutter disc ØXNUMX mm

New special weeding knife adaptable for brush cutter, edger, edge trimmer, rotofiler... This robust and reliable blade offers you great cutting efficiency which simplifies the maintenance of your green spaces when you are faced with brush tenacious. It allows you to clean around houses and trees without damaging the walls or damaging the base of the trunks.

Technical characteristics and dimensions of the universal cutting blade

  • Brand: Ribimex
  • Material: steel
  • Colour: black
  • Coupe diameter: XNUMX mm
  • Thickness: XNUMX mm
  • Overall height: XNUMX mm
  • Central hole diameter (internal bore): XNUMX mm

Ribimex is a French brand specializing in the manufacture of tools for garden maintenance. To find out everything about the brand and discover our range of Ribimex products, click on this link .

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