Edit page title HPX Blanking Tape Cream White XNUMX mm x XNUMX ft – Workshop Equipment
Edit meta description HPX cover strip cream white XNUMX mm x XNUMX m compatible with motorcycle, scooter, quad, moped... XNUMXcc, XNUMXcc and other displacements.
Edit meta keywords tips, handlebars, motorcycle, scooter, universal
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HPX Masking Tape Cream White XNUMX mm x XNUMX m




Delivery possible on Tuesday XNUMX January


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HPX cream white masking tape

Element protection adhesives before all your paintings on the fairings, the cycle part and the engine part of your motorcycle, scooter, quad, moped... XNUMXcc, XNUMXcc and other displacements.

Technical characteristics and dimensions

  • Brand: HPX
  • Color: cream white
  • Overall length: XNUMX meters
  • Band Width: XNUMXmm

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