Edit page title Flosser plug for hXNUMX bulbs with cables - motorcycle part, scooter, ...
Edit meta description Plug - socket Flosser for HXNUMX bulbs with cables compatible with motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, quads XNUMXcc, XNUMXcc and other displacements.
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HXNUMX headlight bulb plug with cables Flosser




Delivery possible from Wednesday XNUMX January


We also recommend


Plug - socket Flosser for HXNUMX bulbs with cables

Lug Flosser new adaptable for motorcycle, scooter, moped, quad XNUMXcc, XNUMXcc and other displacements.

Technical characteristics and dimensions

  • Mark: Flosser
  • For HXNUMX bulb type
  • Supply voltage: XNUMXV
  • Overall length: XNUMX mm
  • Spindle Width: XNUMX mm
  • Outer diameter: XNUMX mm
  • Number of plugs: XNUMX
  • Number of terminals: XNUMX

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