Various fairing

Various fairing

Find in this category a wide range of refits original or adaptable, new or used, compatible with your moped 50cc.

You will find here all the various fairings available for the different models of mopeds. The original fairings are molded plastic. They can also be made of polyester for adaptable models. Find here parts such as radiator scoops or the toolbox of your moped.

Choose the perfect fairing for customizing or repairing your 50cc moped. Many fairings are available for all 50cc mob models, Peugeot 103 RCX, SPX, SP, MBK 51 Magnum, Club, West, Piaggio Ciao, Motobecane ...

Pensez à consulter les autres catégories de carénages pour votre cyclomoteur 50cm3 pour trouver toutes vos pièces : bulle et tête de fourche, cache-allumage, carénage arrière, carénage de réservoir, carénage moteur, fixation et support, garde-boue arrière, garde-boue avant, sabot.

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