General information > Tips and Guides > Tutorials > 50 with box > Cycle parts > Perform a brake bleed

Tutorial: How to bleed brakes

Ce tutorial aims at you help perform a brake bleed from your 50 to box thanks to pics and explanations associated. A brake bleeding is carried out in the same way on all models of 50cc box motorcycle. Consider using quality brake fluid and always check the good condition master cylinder and the brake pedal.

Difficulty :

brake bleeding difficulty

Temps necessary:

15 minutes


step 1 bleeding brake

1) Open the brake master cylinder reservoir.

2) Fill up the level and pump several times with the pedal.

step 3 brake bleeding master cylinder

3) Connect the hose to the bleed screw and leave the other end in the container. Brake fluid is a very powerful product, protect the fairings!

step 4 purge

4) To purge the system, simply pump the pedal several times. Leave the pedal depressed and open the bleed screw, then close it and pump again. Repeat the operation while there is air in the circuit.

step 5 bleeding brake

5) If there are still bubbles coming out of the hose, pump then keep the pedal pressed and loosen the banjo screw. more air will come out, finish bleeding with the bleed screw. Be careful, check the level regularly and remember to clean if brake fluid spills out.

Step 6 Pruger His Master Cylinder

6) Replace the bleed screw cap and clean the caliper if liquid has fallen on it.

step 7 purge

7) Restore the brake fluid level, then close the jar.

step 8 end brake bleeding

8) System purge is complete. For models with double front disc, both calipers must be bled.

You can bleed your brakes quite often (when you change your pads) to ensure you have an optimal braking system. You will find at 50Factory the master cylinder, the brake discs, the brake pads, the brake fluid you need. All parts of braking for your boxed 50cc or your scooter are available here.


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