This tutorial aims at you aider à réaliser la vidange from your XNUMX to box thanks to pics and explanations associées. Dans cet exemple, il s'agit d'un moteur de type Derbi Euro 2. N'oubliez pas de commander votre draining tank !
Difficulty :
Temps necessary:
5 minutes
Necessary material:
1) Remove the first drain plug.
2) Remove the second drain plug (located below your 50cc box).
3) Once empty, replace the first drain plug. Tighten correctly.
4) Then replace the bottom cap.
5) Remove the oil cap from the box.
6) Fill up with box oil.
7) Once the oil comes out, replace the level screw.
8) Wipe well!
9) Put the oil cap back on the box, your drain is done!
It is difficult to give a precise time between each emptying. But we advise you to make at least one par year. You will find on oil Ideal for your 50cc to 2 time box and the necessary accessories like the drain pan par example.
100% of products shown as in stock actually are!