Parts and equipment for motorcycles, quads, scooters and bicycles

reduce fuel consumption on a quad

Reduce fuel consumption on a quad

Budget incompressible?

Among the majority expenses on the conduct of the quad, we obviously find the fuel. In this period of sharp increase in the cost of gasoline, we suggest that you take stock of these little tips that will help you save fuel, without forcing you too much or spoiling the pleasure. driving your quad.

The fuel consumption of a machine depends essentially on its use, driving style, terrain, topography, on-board or towed weight.

reduce fuel consumption quad

quad mud

Elements leading to over-consumption of gasoline

Driving: to reduce fuel consumption, driving with heavy acceleration should be avoided. This type of hard throttle driving is very fuel consuming. A smooth and linear ride will save you precious liters of fuel.

The objective is to adopt a driving style that will avoid you having to brake and accelerate constantly as much as possible: we are talking here about saving between 20 and 30% of gasoline.

Mud is a very energy intensive surface. This is the case for any terrain that requires power and horsepower. Just like snow and sand.

The weight: remove all that is superfluous. For your Sunday outing, is a large additional tank really necessary? The same goes for lighting or chests. These accessories can lead to overconsumption of fuel on your quad. Par example, the addition of electrical accessories such as ramps or spotlights will drain energy from your battery. Now the generated current par a battery comes from the engine and therefore consumes extra fuel.

Remedies for having a well-maintained and well-tuned quad

Carburetion adjustment: return of starter, carbureted engines always use more gas than fuel-injected models.

Air filter: the filter must be clean to provide a good supply of air.

Checking the ignition: a battery in perfect condition enables immediate ignition, but ignition also consumes energy. A clean spark plug is essential.

Oil: it must be of good quality, suitable for your vehicle. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Brake pads: they must not oppose any resistance to the wheel, apart from braking.

The tyres: regular pressure checks are essential.

Drive slowly the first 10 miles avoiding hard acceleration. The oil takes some time to regain its fluidity, and less fluid oil leads to greater friction, causing increased consumption.

reduce consumption