Here you will find all information about your GILERA Citta (EC1) moped such as par example the size of the front tire and the rear tire, the compatible cylinder, the brake pads or even the fairings that can be adapted to your GILERA Citta (EC1) 2 time moped. Also discover on this detailed sheet the specific characteristics of the vehicle such as its size, its weight, its cylinder capacity, its date of manufacture, the capacity of its tank, etc.
It should be noted that this moped is known by different names depending on where it was marketed. gilera Eco or EC1 for Italy, Gilera Citta for the Netherlands and Germany.
Different versions of the Gilera Citta appeared, such as Funny, Dizzy, Crazy, Route 66, Unplugged and Graffity.
In 2000, a new model came on the market. This can be recognized par electronic ignition, horn, brake light and side reflectors in the rear.
Type: Moped
Profile: Moped
Model: Citta (EC1)
Production Year : of 1977 2002 to
Dry weight: 52 kg
Fuel tank : 4,5 liters
Engine: single cylinder 2 time
Starter :pedal
Cooling : air
Cylinder capacity: 49,77 cm3
Max power:1,41 ch at 4 500 rpm.
Ignition: Magnetic flywheel
Supply : Dell’Orto SHA Ø12mm Carburetor
Transmission: primary: belt, secondary: rollers
Frame: tubular steel
Front suspension: hydraulic fork
Rear suspension: hydraulic shock absorbers
Front brake: drum Ø 90 mm
Rear brake : drum Ø 136 mm
Front tire: 3,00 x 12 "
Rear tire: 3,00 x 12 "
Counter: Yes pedals : Yes
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