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Successfully renovating a moped

Mechanically all mopeds are alike. Two wheels, chain and (or) belts, a 2-stroke heat engine, a frame. Good tools are essential to carry out the project. A renovation with restart requires a method.

You have found the moped of your youth, you want to give it a new life. Here are some tips for successfully completing this renovation.

The first step is to carry out a cleaning to have a precise vision of the general condition: filth often hides misery and rarely portends good surprises. It is necessary to inspect the moped in detail and take a precise inventory of the condition of the 2-wheeler: missing parts, parts to be renovated, absence or not of rust, particularly in the tank.


This step is essential if you want to succeed in your project and stay in a budget reasonable.

To be able to have a beautiful machine, we will have to start again painting frame and engine casings.

It is also necessary to remove the original engine, the wheels, the shock absorbers, the saddle, the mudguards and the luggage rack.

For the front part, fork, headlight and handlebar: it will be necessary to protect them correctly for painting.

The wheels will need to be removed: cleaning the rims, checking the bearings, cleaning the brake shields and drums and replacing or de-icing the brake shoes.

renovation of a moped
renovation of a moped or scooter

Tank cleaning

If the tank is in good condition and a good cleaning will be carried out before restarting.

If the tank has rust, there are product kits including curative anti-rust treatment and preventive par resin laying.

Replacement of gas tap.

After the painting, it will be necessary to proceed with the reassembly of all the parts, installation of the engine and the transmission chains.


After dismantling and cleaning, all decoration will be removed using a heat absorber. Complete inspection, treatment of possible rust spots with a specific product. Rework, sanding, application of a primer, preferably filling.

Warning: check the composition of the spray cans and varnishes, car many products are not resistant to hydrocarbons and your paint could be destroyed during the first pass at the pump.

Opt for bi-component products.

renovation of a moped or scooter

renovation of a moped or scooter


1- Meticulous cleaning is essential for a good renovation.

2- Use a brush and degreaser cleaner.

3- For the drum and brake shoes, from brake cleaner and emery cloth or sanding paper to deglaze toppings.

4- Checking, cleaning and greasing the axes. Replacement of bearings.

5- If you want to repaint your rims, chemical stripping is very effective.

6- Rinse the rims well after stripping.

7- Application of a quality primer and two-component paint.

If the rims are too damaged, they will have to be replaced.

renovation of a moped or scooter

Fork and shocks

The fork : Control the fork. A change of dust cover, the replacement of a spring or even the complete fork. Complete cleaning of the chrome parts and polishing with steel wool. The sleeves sanded. Then reassembled with new springs and dust covers. The sleeve stickers will be applied at this time.

The shock absorbers: It is generally accepted that they should be replaced.

Chain, crown and pinion: Wear parts par excellence, the installation of new elements is essential.

Electrical harness

The electricity part is a source of concern. The wiring harness has often been modified.

The installation of LED lighting or electronic components requires the replacement of the harness.

On a moped, the wiring harness powers: the front and rear lights, the horn, the ignition circuit and any indicators.

Tip: take photos before dismantling, especially at the front headlight where the main connections are grouped. Learn to recognize the wire colors used on your moped. Get some pods, shrink tube, threads of different colors, a crimping tool. This equipment is essential to avoid electrical breakdowns linked to humidity and vibrations.

Pay particular attention to the ground connection: it is also often a source of failure (bad contacts, corrosion …)

Take care to fix all the elements of the beam well so that it is resistant to vibrations.

Finally, on classic ignitions, do not hesitate to replace the breakers and capacitor.

Replacement of thimbles and connectors.

renovation of a moped or scooter


If the moped has started, certain points must still be checked and restarted correctly. The replacement of engine gaskets, bearings crankshaft, oil seals, segments and flat screws, spark plug , turns out to be essential

If the engine has not started, completely dismantle it. Complete cleaning if presence of rust.

If the motor is blocked (i.e. you cannot turn the magnetic flywheel by hand), you will have to open it, keeping the motor block, change the crank shaft, piston and segments.

renovation of a moped or scooter

By following these few recommendations, your renovation will be scheduled and your schedule busy.

But what satisfaction to be able to ride the moped of your youth.