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Choosing the right off-road motorcycle mask

Essential for the cross, and enduro, the goggle is an eye protection accessory. The main reason you should use it is for your safety. In fact, motorcycle helmets-cross placed on the market are not fitted with a visor. Par therefore, your eyes are exposed to dust, wind, insects, etc. This impacts the quality of your vision. This requires the use of eye protection. Hence the interest of the mask.

A motorcycle mask-cross is deemed to be indisputably essential since it offers the possibility of benefiting from multiple interests.


Composition of an all-terrain mask

The setting

The frame gives the mask a more or less sporty look. But beyond the simple design, it is what allows the ventilation and the resistance of the mask since it acts as the supporting structure of the screen. For its manufacture, we always recommend urethane. This soft and flexible material has a good lifespan. In addition, the frame allows for good ventilation to evacuate hot air.

The BOM screen

For masks, there are several possibilities of choice depending on the screen you wish to adopt. Depending on weather conditions, the screen may be simply clear, photochromic, tinted, smoked, polarisé or double.

- A transparent or clear screen is suitable for use in all circumstances. It is the one that best adapts to all climatic conditions. It is generally anti-UV treated and also very often anti-fog treated.

- If your eyes are particularly sensitive to the brightness of the sun, a Smoked screen helps you beat the glare car it is specially designed to filter out some of the brightness from the sun and the "white" sky (when the sun is not visible but its proximitated produces quite a violent luminosity). A smoked screen must not degrade the colors, it must filter and not darken. It rests sensitive eyes. There are different shades of smoked screen that you should choose depending on the light levels you encounter most often and which will depend on the region where you ride. Attention for those who have a bad sight, a too dark screen can deteriorate your vision. If you wear corrective lenses but despite this your sight is not 10/10, beware of motorcycle goggle visors-cross smoked.

- Certain colors have very specific properties. L'blue screen lends itself to winter conditions, when there is little sunshine. L'Yellow screen accentuates contrasts in low light, as is particularly the case with fog. L'orange screen, it optimizes contrasts when the sky is a brilliant blue or on grassy surfaces.

- The Screen polarisé is the one that is frequently found in the field of winter sports. It has the particularity of eliminating a good part of the reflected light, which represents a great advantage on the clear or wet coatings, but powerfully lit. With a screen polarisé, you will have a better overview of the reliefs of the track.

- Thedual screen works like double glazing which insulates the interior from the exterior. The interior screen is therefore never cool enough to condense humidity and no mist can form.

The elastic headband or strap

The elastic headband is the part that allows the mask to be fixed to the face and tightened for maximum comfort. This strap is generally wide so as not to cut into the scalp or create discomfort when wearing it. It wraps around the head and can be adjusted to the nearest millimeter so that the mask fits snugly against the face.

Before purchasing, check that the headband is:

- well adjustable.

- wide enough to create proper support.

Silicone is sometimes added during production to maximize the adhesion of the headband to the skull.

Other criteria for choosing a mask


Remember to ensure perfect ventilation. Also consider foams that are highly moisture absorbent. Good ventilation is essential to prevent any fogging up of the screen. The heat releasedar the human body is accentuatedepar physical effort and it is therefore necessary to provide a channel capable of circulating the air. The venting of a motorcycle goggle-cross is designed to exhaust hot air par up and let the fresh air inar the bottom.

The adaptability of the mask

For it to be comfortable, the mask must be adaptable to the helmet. All motorcycle helmets-cross do not have the same field of vision. It is always necessary to supervise that the mask can be incorporated in the helmet. And this, without putting pressure on the helmet. Otherwise, it will move in one direction or the other depending on the pressure exerted. Before buying, it is always advisable to test to ensure compatibility. Some brands produce helmets and masks. This allows them to calculate the compatibility at production and then there is no risk of incompatibility between the two. All Motorcycle Masks -cross are not adaptable to all motorcycle helmets-cross, Car all motorcycle helmets-cross don't have the same field of vision. You need to make sure that the mask you choose has the right proportion and that it will fit well on your face without putting any pressure on the helmet.


Comfort is all important. When there is hindrance or discomfort, the pilot is less concentrated. This indirectly generates inattention which can be fatal. In other words, the risk of accident is greater. Especially if you spend hours riding your motorcyclecross in enduro. This is why you should always choose a mask that is light enough, but which does not compromise on resistance. motorcycle maskscross offering a triple thickness of foam, better absorb shocks and improve comfort.

The Tear-off

During your motorcycle competitions-cross, you will be confronted with mud jets and rain, which reduce your visibility. In order to overcome this, one of the solutions is to equip yourself with tear-offs. Tear-offs are thin plastic coverslips, simply pull on the disposable layer to clear your field of vision and throw away the cover slip.

The Roll-off

The other solution to overcome the problems of jets of sludge, water and sand is the roll-off system. More expensive than its tear-off counterpart, it remains more economical and more ecological (no throwing plastic on the track, no risk of bans on certain competitions). This system mounted on motorcycle masks-cross is composed of two connected boxesar a transparent film. In order to clear his vision, the pilot uses the roll-off pull and in a fraction of a second, he renews his field of vision.


How to choose the right motorcycle mask-cross ?

outside of your budget, here are some points that matter when buying:

- Comfort: if you practice motorcycling often and for a longcross, your glasses must be forgotten thanks to optimal comfort;

- Lightness: plus the motorcycle mask-cross is light, the longer you support them;

- The mask must fit perfectly into your helmet to adhere well to your face;

- The solidity of the chassis: important in order to be durable;

- The solidity of the screen: it must resist projectiles and shocks in the event of a fall or collision;

- The screen(s) must be adapted according to your practice (tint, double glazing...);

- The adjustable strap or headband must be wide enough not to slip on the helmet. It can be replaced as long as the frame resists…

- The tear-off support.

Most masks cross are treated against fogging. However, for official competitions, it is strongly recommended to choose double screens which are very effective against condensation.

For the choice of tint, you must take into account the competition conditions. The more wood there is, the less light there is, so tinted screens are often less suitable than in more open terrain.

Taking care of your motorcycle mask-cross

Generally, to keep your motorcycle goggles longer-cross, you have to take good care of it. You must carefully clean the screen from it.

It is advisable to clean your mask after each use. Rinsing with a jet of water or clear water is generally sufficient.

Do not use chemicals, just use a soft cloth and possibly some soapy water. Use the same type of cloth as for vision glasses, which does not present any risk of scratching the screen.

Avoid wiping the inside of the screen as much as possible to get rid of fog. First try to shake the mask or roll it gently to create a draft.

Let your motorcycle goggles drycross in a ventilated place and not on a direct heat source. A radiator, par example, can prematurely damage the foam and the strap, and as a bonus distort your screen.

motorcycle gogglescross are essential in the choice of your protective equipment for motorcycle riders-cross.

Some brands of masks:

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