Parts and equipment for motorcycles, quads, scooters and bicycles

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Draining his off-road motorcycle 4 times

Off-road more than anywhere else, the maintenance of your motorcycle is essential to prolong its life expectancy. Some essential operations do not require an engineering degree to get by.

Modern 4s are equipped with competition engines that take a lot of revs. Draining them very regularly is essential for their longevity. Long and short term…

Why drain your motorcycle?

Over time, the oil degrades and loses its lubricating properties. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable off-road, where the mechanics are put to the test and where the oil heats up enormously. In addition, the clutch is constantly stressed in these conditions and the dust it releases ends up in the oil, reducing its efficiency all the more quickly.

When to drain your off-road motorcycle?

An 4 oil change should be done every 500 Km for hikers. In competition, whether in cross or enduro, it is necessary to drain every two races or training sessions maximum. As a reminder, the engine oil of the 4T lubricates all the moving mechanical elements of the block, including the gearbox (except on the Honda CR-Fs).

off-road motorcycle oil change

Draining your dirt bike

Before you start, it is better to plan the necessary equipment and have it at hand: mechanic gloves, an drain tray pan , or key to remove the oil filter, an new oil filter in advance, an seal for the drain screw, rags, a new quality engine oil.

Find our guide: different engine oils

Air filter lubrication

The stages of an emptying

1- Drain the used oil.

Warm oil is thinner, so run your motorcycle's engine for 5-10 minutes before draining.

Then position your motorcycle as upright as possible using a rear stand, a side stand or a motorcycle stand meant for that purpose.

If you do not have this equipment, make sure that the assembly is vertical and stable.

Wait for the end of the oil flow. Letting the bike sit overnight will ensure that the lubricant drips completely out.

Collect the used oil and take it to the recycling center or to a mechanical center authorized to collect it.

2- Oil filter replacement.

Dismantle the old one and replace it par un new filter. Be sure to secure it securely, but without excessive tightening.

3- Filling.

Remember to clean the drain screw and change the gasket .

Once the drain system is reassembled, it's time to fill the reservoir with new engine oil.



Always refer to the technical documents of your motorcycle to know the quantity of oil to be poured for the good functioning of your engine.

Don't forget to run the engine on the spot for a few minutes to distribute the oil evenly before setting off.