General information > Tips and Guides > The guides > The benefits of cycling for the environment
At the same time fast, handy and economical, the bike has the advantage of being non-polluting when in use. Compared to other motorized means of transport, such as the bus, train or car, the bicycle is more environmentally friendly.
This ergonomic means of transport takes up very little space in public spaces, approximately five times less than a utility vehicle. With its light weight the bike causes less damage on the road par compared to an automobile. The bike produces no noise pollution, a major advantage in urban areas where noise pollution is particularly high.
From its manufacture, to its recycling, passing par its use, the bicycle presents interesting assets in favor of the environment.
10% of particulate emissions, 50% of nitrogen oxide emissions, 30% of carbon monoxide emissions and 25% of greenhouse gas emissions are related are in transportation. The main culprit is road transport.
75% of home-to-work trips are less than 5 km and are done by car.
80% of the time, drivers are alone in their cabins, especially on commuting.
95% of the time the vehicle is immobilized! A time when you have to put this cumbersome object somewhere. On average, including roads, more than 50% of public space is occupied par the car!
Public space is a limited resource and parking a scarce commodity, so 10% of car traffic is devoted to finding a space, again promoting congestion and pollution.
Noise pollution in the city has less impact on health than air pollution. It nevertheless remains a health problem and an economic problem. VSar noise is the direct cause of many pathologies: lack of sleep, increased stress and fatigue, depression...
Cycling is the fastest mode of travel in the city since the average automobile speed in the city is 15.2 km/h. For trips from proximitated, the bike is therefore as fast as a car in urban areas and even more efficient door to door. And the bike goes everywhere.
If road traffic has an impact on air and land use, it also has a considerable impact on infrastructure. Sagging, rutting, cracks, potholes... so many problems caused in part byar bad weather (rain, frost...) but accentedar the repetitive passage of heavy vehicles.
Maintaining a road network is expensive, much more expensive than building (and maintaining) cycle paths.
The daily use of a cycle is part of a virtuous circle linked to ecology and the environment, using no fossil fuels, easily repairable and recyclable, consuming little energy. 'public space. The advantages of the bicycle as a mode of urban transport are numerous. A real alternative to motorized transport in the city, the bicycle has convincing assets to become the preferred mode of transport for daily journeys.