Parts and equipment for motorcycles, quads, scooters and bicycles


The essentials to know to choose your quad rims

As with tires, depending on the quad used, it is important to choose suitable rims. Several criteria must be taken into account: The widths of the rim (external and internal width), the center distance, the bore, the offset.

The choice of material may also be taken into consideration, even if steel rims tend to disappear from the market.


Each vehicle has specific technical characteristics. They vary by type and model. The same goes for the center distance which will be different depending on your car. But what is the center distance of a rim?

Definition: The center distance of a rim is the distance between the centers of two diametrically opposed points (holes) which are intended to receive the nuts. in order to guarantee the fixing of the rim on the hub of the vehicle.

- The center distance is a factor that plays an essential role in the dimensions of the rim.

- It stands out par the number of holes. The dimensions of the center distance are represented in millimeters or inches.

Calculate the center distance of a rim 4 or 6 holes

The vast majority of vehicles are in 4, 5 and 6 holes. But how to measure their center distances? For a center distance in 4 or 6 holes it's quite simple. You just need to calculate the distance between two opposite holes, passing par the center of the rim.

quad rim center distance 4 holes
quad rim center distance 5holes

Calculate the center distance of a 5-hole rim

To calculate the center distance of rims with odd number of holess (5 holes), it's more complicated. In this case, you need to measure the distance from the center point of the rim to the center of any hole. You need to multiply par two the result obtained to have the measurement of the center distance. Otherwise you can also tracer an imaginary circle, taking up each hole then calculate the diameter.

So if you wish or if you are about to change rims, it is imperative to take into account the center distance of a rim and respect these measurements. So 5x100 means that the rim has 5 holes and the opposing holes are 100mm apart.

For quads or SSVs, we often find 5 characteristic center distances: -4x110 -4x115 -4x136 -4x144 -4x156


The offset, expressed in mm, is the distance between the mounting plane and the plane of symmetry of the rim or between the middle of the rim and the support surface for the fixing. It is also called Offset. The Offset tells us how much the rim sinks into the wheel arch.

The smaller the offset, the more the rim will stand out from the silhouette of the vehicle. Conversely, a larger offset will push the rim into the wheel arch at the risk of touching the brake calipers or the shock absorbers.

Reminder on the nomenclature of the dimensions of a rim: The unit of measurement is the "inch" ( 1 inch = 2.54cm )

offset rim quad

Example of the calculation of a quad rim

- A quad rim in 9NUMX has a diameter of 8 inches and an overall width of 9 inches.

- The offset of a quad rim is expressed with 2 digits separated by the + sign.

- If we add these 2 digits we find the total width of the rim.

- A rim in 9x8 with an offset of 3+5 is indeed an overall width of 8 inches.

For quads, the more negative the offset and the wider the tracks, we therefore gain stability! in driving pleasure, in sliding...

If the offset is too negative (your tracks are too wide) this can be problematic in narrow passages in woods between 2 trees par example, but also on your transport trailer or even in your garage if it is not wide enough!

The direction of your machine will be a little harder car the tracks will be moved. It is a choice to make.

The discs et calipers will also be a little less protected.

Originally, the offsets of many vehicles are neutral or positive, but they can be modified to increase stability and glide!! On a one-piece rim, the offset is fixed and cannot be changed.

Explanatory diagram of the calculation of the offset of a quad rim:

Here is the formula to calculate your rim offset: ET = A - (B/2)

calculation of the offset of a quad rim


What is bore?

The bore is the diameter of the center of the rim. In the event of a change of rims, there are centering rings which allow the size to be adjusted in order to be able to use rims with a bore greater than that of the original rim.

quad rim bore

The BEADLO rimCK :

The beadlock is a tire locking system between the rim and a circle bolted to it. It's very useful off-road, it allows you to drive at very low pressure while minimizing the risk of coming off the rim.

The rim is made in 2 parts and the tire is not set up like on a traditional rim. On the outside, the tire is retained par a ring (the hoop) which wedges the tire against the rim. On a beadlock rim (with hoop), the offset can be adjusted and personalized to suit several vehicles.

Pros of a beadlock rim:

- The assembly and disassembly of the tire is facilitated

- They avoid the wheel rim even in the event of a puncture.

- Excellent resistance to deformation.

- Perfect for use cross / competition / sand

- Choice of fret colors

- GOLDSPEED rims have a double center distance!

Negatives of a Beadlock rim:

- The price compared to a standard rim

- This type of rim has a double center distance: 4x114 ET 4x156

In short

The rim is a part of the wheel whose primary function is to hold the tire in place. But this is not its only role. The quality of a rim is important car it makes it possible to transmit the power of a vehicle to the ground.

Although it is the tire that transmits most of this power to the ground, it is the rim that must absorb the shocks due to the power not transmitted to the ground.

We talk about Aluminum rims but in reality they are an alloy based on aluminium. This will make them much stronger (pure aluminum rims would be too soft and would tend to deform under the weight of the vehicle and the unevenness of the ground). Now almost as solid as a steel rim, they are nevertheless very rigid and very sensitive to impacts. They are not intended to warp and par therefore can break under heavy impact. But the main advantage of aluminum rims is that they are much lighter.

In the world of quads, the trend is to increase the size of the rim and the tire. But it is good to know that the more you increase the size of your rims, the less your quad is comfortable. So check that your quad is equipped with good suspensions before making your choice.