Parts and equipment for motorcycles, quads, scooters and bicycles

Choose your nerf bars
for quad

The essentials to know to choose your nerf bars

Nerf bars are specific protections for sports quads.

There are 2 models of nerf bars: the standard model that attaches in front of the original footrest of your machine, and the "pro peg” which replaces the footrest.

This protection is essential for the sports quad car it guarantees the maintenance of your feet.

The Nerf bars: essential part on your sports type quad

Le nerf bars is an extremely important accessory, reserved for sport quads. This is the accessory that is located at the back of your footrest on the quad, which can be defined as a small platform. But what is the use of this famous “platform”? In fact, it has several uses; The nerf bars are mainly useful for security purposes, but can also be used for comfort.

Nerf bars are absolutely essential safety elements on a sports quad. They are also mandatory in competition. They will protect you from stones being thrown from the front wheels, but above all they will be able to prevent your feet from going under the rear wheels if they leave the footrests after a jump or a difficult maneuver. laughing!

On the question of security, nerf bars are essential. Indeed, on a quad your feet are very rough with the conditions of the ground, and it is not uncommon for them to risk slipping. The problem is that on the quad, unlike a motorcycle par example, if your foot slips, it's the rear wheel that's waiting for it... To avoid having your foot torn off par the quad wheel. This is why nerf bars are extremely important, and should not be overlooked.

Muddy, wet boots can be incredibly slippery, causing your feet to slide on the pegs. Also, when riding aggressively, your feet may come off the pegs. These are two potentially dangerous situations that can lead to your feet getting stuck in the rear tire. The nerf bars eliminates both of these scenarios.

For the question of comfort, it is only secondary. But it allows you to have more space for your feet, which gives you more freedom in your movements!

In addition, nerf bars also protect your feet and legs from rocks and projectiles that can be thrownar the front tires. A nerf bars will help prevent other quad riders' tires from getting stuck between your tires. Plus, it creates a safety barrier around your feet, protecting it from bumps and snags.

The comfort part comes from the fact that you can put your feet on the nerve bars rather than on the footrest. This can allow you to adopt a different driving position, but above all you have greater freedom of movement in your feet and legs.

What kind of nerf bars?

There are 2 types of nerf bars:

1) Standard nerf bars: These are the simplest so called standard nerf bars. Quick enough to mount on the quad, they attach to your stock footpegs and have no heel supports.

At this level, 2 possible fixings according to the manufacturers, the 2 nerf bars are joined by fitting together, or are taken on a support using a motor bracket fixing on each side of the quad.

2) Nerve bars pro pegs: b-nervesar the most successful and the most effective are the nerf bars called "PRO PEGS". "Pegs" which can be translated par "foot rest", you should know that this type of nerf bars has its own foot rests.

In this second case, the teeth of the footpegs are much more efficient and will wear much less quickly than 100% aluminum teeth.

It is also important to point out that you will need to change the straps of the nerf bars from time to time. Over time they get damaged, and it is very important to change them before they fail.

aluminum nerf bars

nerf bars quad


Nerf bars were dreamed up and came into use when sport quad riding became popular in the 1990s. With the nerf bars, the rider can quickly take control of their ride and comfortably steer the quad through tight corners. He can also perform tricks and stunts. A heel guard provides protection against debris, dirt and branches being kicked outar the tires, but the main function is to prevent the rider from sliding backwards off the footpegs and grinding his heels against the tires. The roll bars allow for more aggressive riding and avoid hurting the heels.