Parts and equipment for motorcycles, quads, scooters and bicycles

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Sören and his grandfather

Presentation of the pilot Sören GUYARD

This passion comes to him from his paternal grandfather. He was fascinated par this sport by observing the photos from the time when his grandfather was riding a motorcycle-cross in the clubs of Charentes-Maritimes. He had to convince his parents. He then begins on a Yamaha PW 50. For his 7th birthday, his grandfather gives him his first KTM 65. He continues his training with the CXP team every Saturday and during school holidays.

9 years old, Sören has already distinguished himself in several races. Registered at ChampionBorn in the North Zone league (Poitou-Charente), he has experienced podiums and injuries. His last fall during the test of st Yriex prevented him from finishing the race. He remains, however, ranked 2th in the "Kids" category on his KTM 65cc.

Sören wants to invest fully in this discipline. Despite his young age, he changed category and moved to 85cc, which left him a few years to mature on this cylinder and consider participating in the ChampionMini’s French nationalitycross.

In 2021 he starts the competition. Adrenaline, podiums….a true sporting satisfaction full of émotions. Sören now rides KTM 85s. It remains in the "Mini" category.cross “for the 2022 season. He will be at the start next March 27, at MC TRAC, near Niort.

The products used spar Sören GUYARD

To support Sören in the practice of his sport, we have provided him with various tools and consumables including Ahdes gloves and various materials required for the maintenance and preparation of his machine.

At the start of the season and of the partnership, we are going to provide various lubricant products for his motorcycle as well as other consumables. The different lubricants will allow Sorén's motorcycle to work properly and achieve very good performance in the race!

gloves ahdes Soren guyard


- 2023 : Championnat of Ligue Nouvelle Aquitaine Espoirs 85cc Benjamin: 2th place

New Aquitaine League "North Trophy" Hopes 85cc Benjamin: 2th place

Rookies Cup 2023: 18th place

- 2022 : New Aquitaine League "North Trophy" 85cc Benjamin: 2th place

- 2021 : Championnat de Ligue Nouvelle Aquitaine Kids: 10th place

New Aquitaine League “North Trophy” Kids: 10th place


In 2019, you will be able to find Sören during these competitions:

- Motorcycle Leaguecross de Nouvelle Aquitaine Espoirs 85cc - 5th position (cumulative races of March 10 and 17)

- Motorcycle Leaguecross of Nouvelle Aquitaine Espoirs, “North Zone” Trophy

- Minivert 85cc Minime

- Rookies Cup 2024

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Sören GUYARD and his grandpa
Sören GUYARD victory
soren guyard motorcycle