Parts and equipment for motorcycles, quads, scooters and bicycles

Troubleshooting > Failures par brand > DERBI > DERBI SENDA SM DRD PRO 50 > My motorcycle DERBI SENDA SM DRD PRO 50 has an electrical problem

My boxed motorcycle DERBI SENDA SM DRD PRO 50 has an electrical problem

The diagnosis of an electrical problem always checking the arrival of the current and the return to ground. Very often, the electrical problems come from the oxidation of the contacts due to the exposure of the electrical circuit to bad weather and humidity.

Electrical faults are sneaky, hide, act silently and cripple the vehicle.

With a little patience, a multimeter and some instructions, you can find errors and fix them.

In the event of a power failure, always start par check the following points:

- Check that the current is coming (12 volts).

- Check the state of the fuses (oxidation, continuity test)

- Check the condition of the wiring (cut wire, oxidized contacts).

- Test the receiver alone by plugging it in (ground and 12 volts)

A fuse blows all the time on your motorcycle DERBI SENDA SM DRD PRO 50

If you find that a fuse is blowing on your motorcycle DERBI SENDA SM DRD PRO 50, then it must be a short circuit.

- Indeed, wires may be stripped (this is very common when your bike is relatively old).

- It is also possible that wires are touching each other or directly touching the mass of the vehicle.

In any case, we advise you to check the completeness of your electrical circuit, you should be able to find the fault very quickly!

motorcycle fuse problem 50 AGM
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Ground fault on your motorcycle DERBI SENDA SM DRD PRO 50

Loosen, clean and reposition the terminals. Most of the time it is the rust (oxidation) that is responsible.

On the other hand, if the intensity of the bulbs varies when you brake or when you use the indicators, it is also a problem of mass.

Finally, when it comes to the false contact caused byar oxidation of wires, plugs or terminals, just tap or shake the electric beam in different places. If the fault is located and it is a plug or a Scotland, disconnect then reconnect the socket or terminal. Check its oxidation state.

General electrical failure on your motorcycle DERBI SENDA SM DRD PRO 50

If the problem also concerns blinkers, horn and headlight, the solution to this failure is certainly to be found in the commodo left. Take it down Lever support, spray contactor product. Clean the inside of the pressure cooker and the various contactors.

You can then reassemble your commodo and your electrical failure is resolved! If that still does not work, you can try to completely replace the left stalk of your boxed motorcycle. AGM.

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