Parts and equipment for motorcycles, quads, scooters and bicycles

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Successfully winterize your two-wheeler or quad

Winter is coming. Your two-wheeler will spend the bad season in the garage for some, a shed for others or outside for the less fortunate.

Your goal is to be able to ride as soon as the good weather returns, so you should take a few precautions to avoid unpleasant surprises in the spring.

The immobilization of your two wheels or your quad, during the winter period, without preparation, can cause several problems such as: a discharged or sulphated battery, oxidation of the tank gasoline, clogged fuel lines or clogged carburetor, discoloration of the paint or the appearance of rust spots, mold, and under certain conditions severe engine damage. ¨res.

prepare your motorcycle for wintering

Prepare your machine for wintering

1) Full wash of the vehicle in order to remove all traces: insects, bird droppings, dust that could attack varnish and paint.

With suitable products, wash your two wheels conscientiously. Find the details by following this link.

After thorough washing, the application of protective products on fairings, chrome, paint or plastics will have a "nourishing" effect. Fairing and chrome polishing. Spray the metal parts with the anti-corrosion product.

2) Lubrication movable levers and joints is essential at the end of the cleaning.

3) Oil change : Dirty oil that sits in an engine for several months will produce acids that are harmful to your engine. Drain, change the filter. If your two wheels are liquid cooled, drain and fill, remember to check the antifreeze index of your coolant.

Advice: if you have drained your machine regularly, draining it before wintering will not be essential. On the other hand, that at the end of winter will be important.

4) Full of gas : We believe that all tanks should be filled before wintering. An empty tank causes the seals of the entire circuit to dry out. Add a inhibitor or stabilizer gasoline that will protect against oxidation. Once the product has been poured into the petrol, run the engine for a few minutes so that the product runs through the circuit.

5) Engine : Close the fuel tap, run the engine until it stops or drain the carburetor with the drain screw.

6) Chain : Do a good cleaning and complete lubrication following our advices. Take advantage of this cleaning to check the wear of the chain kit.

7) Battery : It should be removed. Clean it using a dry cloth, apply contact grease to the terminals and lugs, store it in a dry place, sheltered from frost and direct sunlight. The battery will be recharged at the time of the winter outing.

8) The Tyres : it is necessary to check the inflation of the tires before wintering. A slight over-inflation will prevent the tires from going flat. Place on two wheels on the center stand or on a paddock stand to avoid the risk of deformation. Remember to move your two wheels to change the point of contact.

9) The protective cover : Here are some features to check before investing in a good motorcycle cover:

- It must have characteristics of breathability and ventilation to avoid the imprisonment of humidity.

- It should be made of a light but durable material, such as water-resistant nylon or polyester.

- It should fit your bike snugly without being too loose, too tight or too long that it doesn’t touch the ground.

If you keep your machine in a garage, a lighter model should suffice. On the other hand, if you store it outside, it is better to use a sturdy and waterproof motorcycle cover (but it is still important to have enough ventilation , to avoid humidity). An outdoor cover should also have eyelets and ties to prevent the wind from blowing it away.

11) The right place : The wintering will last a few months, your vehicle must be placed in a covered, dry place and sheltered from the wind. It is advisable to cover it with a specific tarpaulin. The fabric must be breathable in order to avoid condensation. The blanket should not touch the ground.

To prevent moisture from settling in the cartridge of your muffler, plug your muffler outlet. A plastic bag and a rubber band do the trick. Also block the air intakes.

Before ranger motorcycle for an extended period, it is better to make sure that everything is in order. This will also allow you to directly restart it once the good weather returns. This small maintenance will avoid unpleasant surprises during the wintering outing.

11) Your equipment: Remember to take good care of it when storing it for the winter. From your motorcycle helmet to your jacket and beyond, well-maintained gear will keep you safer and more comfortable when it's time to hit the road again.

By following these few recommendations, your vehicle will spend a safe winter. You will have the pleasure of finding it as soon as the good weather returns. Following this forced rest, it will be advisable to follow some advice so that the restarting is done in a serene way.