Parts and equipment for motorcycles, quads, scooters and bicycles

Troubleshooting > Failures par brand > KINROAD > KinroAD Chopper > I have trouble finding the neutral point on my 50 KINRO motorcycleAD Chopper

Find the neutral point on motorcycle 50cc KINROAD Chopper

Neutral is accessible with the gear selector. It is between first and second gear. Symbolisepar un green light on the dashboard on almost all motorcycles, the neutral point is sometimes not found, unless you know five very simple tips.

With a manual transmission, you must operate the clutch with one hand and the gear selector with the foot.

Neutral is accessible with the gear selector. First, when stationary, with the clutch actuated so as not to stall, you will only have to lift the selector slightly with your foot and release it. € ™ clutch.

If you stall, it's because you were second; if the engine continues to run, you have found neutral.

A little trick to easily find neutral: with the engine off, move the motorcycle forward slightly by pushing, raise the selector.

KINRO motorcycle neutral problemAD Chopper

You have trouble finding the neutral point of your KINRO motorcycleAD Chopper?

From a mechanical point of view, the neutral point is located between first and second gear: first down, neutral, and second up with the other gears.
Universally symbolized on all motorcycles par un light green in color and marked "N" (for neutral or neutral) on the instrument panel, it marks the position of the gearbox which disconnects the engine from the transmission, whatever the position of the gearbox. € ™ clutch and its lever.
Neutral is a gearbox position.

Neutral, undoubtedly one of the first things you were taught in handling a motorcycle: how to find neutral, how to come back to neutral, why come back to neutral in order to Avoid engine stallingâ € ¦

Why is this so important?

For beginners, handling the gearbox, and more particularly the clutch, is a major difficulty.
The specifics of the manual gearbox on a motorcycle suppose to acquire different automatisms from those used in a car, which takes time and can lead to errors.

Among these common "mistakes", the learning curve and engine stalling represent for many a risk of falling if it occurs unexpectedly, especially with the handlebars turned.

Avoid getting stuck in neutral with your KINROAD Chopper 50

Returning to neutral at each stop, even leaving the engine running, it is also the risk of having difficulty in retaking the 1ère.

How to Make Sure You Can Easily Return the 1st from Neutral on Your 50st KINRO MotorcycleAD Chopper?

1) Using the clutch : Before operating the selector with your foot, operate the clutch lever two or three times. This allows the clutch discs to be detached and easier to operate the clutch control.

2) Move the motorcycle : The gearbox is driven epar the rotation of the rear wheel, par the intermediate of the secondary transmission. Moving the motorcycle forward or backward a few centimeters (pushing with your feet), while disengaging and operating the selector, makes it easier to pass the 1ère.

3) Make a firm and flexible gesture : A lot of bikers "kick" the selector with a sharp movement, a "whip" of the foot. This is not the best way to go from neutral to 1ère, it is better to put your foot on the selector which is firm, but slow and smooth.

Some gearboxes still have a neutral point that is difficult to find.

It sometimes happens that the moving parts that make up the box are not perfectly aligned. In this case, a little gas may be enough to regain the possibility of passing the neutral point.

neutral gear selector problem

What about false dead spots?

A false neutral point is in fact a bad locking of the gearbox, faulty design or due to wear.

If the phenomenon occurs, the selector to be sure to lock the chosen gear.

A false neutral point can also come from a fault in the green light.
remember that the bulb or the diode comes on systematically when the ignition is switched on in order to check that it is working.
A failure of this indicator is attributable to a problem with the electrical connection or with the contactor mounted on the gearbox.