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Troubleshooting > Failures par brand > RIEJU > RIEJU RS2 > My RIEJU RS2 50 motorcycle has a water pump problem

My RIEJU RS2 50 motorcycle has a water pump problem

The water pump plays a key role in the proper functioning of the engine. Generally speaking, it is what ensures the "flow" of water through the engine cooling circuit.

Do you notice coolant seeping under the water pump body?

If this happens often or even constantly, action must be taken to avoid damage to the engine. A leak in the cooling circuit leads to overconsumption of coolant and engine overheating.

The most common water pump problems on my RIEJU RS2 50 motorcycle

When its seal is worn or broken, the water pump tends to leak, allowing the coolant to escape. A leak is recognizable par the appearance of traces of liquid on the body of the water pump.

To make sure, collect the liquid on white paper. If its color matches that of the coolant you are using, your doubts are confirmed, your water pump seal will need to be replaced.

radiator coolant leak
radiator maintenance

How do I replace the water pump on my RIEJU RS2 50 motorcycle?

You need to replace your vehicle's water pump when it leaks, when the propeller blades are worn, and when the water pump seizes up.

In the event of a water pump leak, the seals must be changed. Also check the connection of the hoses and the tightening of the collars. To proceed with the complete replacement of your water pump, you can consult the tutorials below.

Written and video tutorials for your RIEJU RS2 50